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July 20, 2015http/2 apache centos7
January 11, 2016My situation: there was RAID setup between 3 physical hard disks, however one of them was considerable bigger – about a couple of TBytes.
I needed the additional space for other purposes so I needed to create a new partition and ideally avoid rebooting the server.
The plan is to create an extended partition that will contain a logical Linux partition mounter to a new folder
Identify where to create the new partition, in my case sdc:
fskdisk -l
creating an extended partition
fskdisk /dev/sdc
type p (to print the partition table)
type n (new partition)
press enter (it will take the default value)
press enter (it will take last cyclinder as default value)
press w (saving the partition)
to avoid reboot one may try
partx -v -a /dev/sdc
creating a linux type partition from the extended one we creted
fskdisk /dev/sdc
type p (to print the partition table)
type n (new partition)
press enter (it will take the default value)
press enter (it will take last cyclinder as default value)
press w (saving the partition)
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc5 (make it a ext4 partition, where sdc5 is our Linux partition)
mkdir /backup_extern
mount /dev/sdc5 /backup_extern