New and old DDOS Tools
October 25, 2008Opera Arioso Update.
October 25, 2008We offer affordable cardia payment modules for various shopping carts which includes the prestashop.
If you want to accept payments online on your prestashop open source shopping cart software simply contact us. We’ll call you back same business day in order to help you.
Cardia is an international payment gateway with markets in Scandinavia, Europe, Denmark that offers you the ability to accept online credit card payments, bank payments and others in a secure environment.
Cardia is now known as DIBS payment services – the leading Scandinavian Internet service provider. The company is the result of a merger in 2006 between DIBS A/S and DebiTech AB.
If you want to accept DIBS payments on your prestashop ecommerce website please feel free to contact us. We will work with you to find the best solution for your business.